Source code for kfp.dsl._pipeline_volume

# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from kubernetes.client.models import (
    V1Volume, V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource,
    V1ObjectMeta, V1TypedLocalObjectReference

from . import _pipeline
from ._pipeline_param import sanitize_k8s_name, match_serialized_pipelineparam
from ._volume_snapshot_op import VolumeSnapshotOp

[docs]class PipelineVolume(V1Volume): """Representing a volume that is passed between pipeline operators and is to be mounted by a ContainerOp or its inherited type. A PipelineVolume object can be used as an extention of the pipeline function's filesystem. It may then be passed between ContainerOps, exposing dependencies. """ def __init__(self, pvc: str = None, volume: V1Volume = None, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of PipelineVolume. Args: pvc: The name of an existing PVC volume: Create a deep copy out of a V1Volume or PipelineVolume with no deps Raises: ValueError: if pvc is not None and name is None if volume is not None and kwargs is not None if pvc is not None and kwargs.pop("name") is not None """ if pvc and "name" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Please provide name.") elif volume and kwargs: raise ValueError("You can't pass a volume along with other " "kwargs.") init_volume = {} if volume: init_volume = {attr: getattr(volume, attr) for attr in self.attribute_map.keys()} else: init_volume = {"name": kwargs.pop("name") if "name" in kwargs else None} if pvc and kwargs: raise ValueError("You can only pass 'name' along with 'pvc'.") elif pvc and not kwargs: pvc_volume_source = V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( claim_name=pvc ) init_volume["persistent_volume_claim"] = pvc_volume_source super().__init__(**init_volume, **kwargs) self.dependent_names = []
[docs] def after(self, *ops): """Creates a duplicate of self with the required dependecies excluding the redundant dependenices. Args: *ops: Pipeline operators to add as dependencies """ def implies(newdep, olddep): if == olddep: return True for parentdep_name in newdep.dependent_names: if parentdep_name == olddep: return True else: parentdep = _pipeline.Pipeline.get_default_pipeline( ).ops[parentdep_name] if parentdep: if implies(parentdep, olddep): return True return False ret = self.__class__(volume=self) ret.dependent_names = [ for op in ops] for olddep in self.dependent_names: implied = False for newdep in ops: implied = implies(newdep, olddep) if implied: break if not implied: ret.dependent_names.append(olddep) return ret