Source code for kfp.dsl._pipeline

# Copyright 2018-2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from . import _container_op
from . import _resource_op
from . import _ops_group
from ..components._naming import _make_name_unique_by_adding_index
import sys

# This handler is called whenever the @pipeline decorator is applied.
# It can be used by command-line DSL compiler to inject code that runs for every pipeline definition.
_pipeline_decorator_handler = None

[docs]def pipeline(name, description): """Decorator of pipeline functions. Usage: ```python @pipeline( name='my awesome pipeline', description='Is it really awesome?' ) def my_pipeline(a: PipelineParam, b: PipelineParam): ... ``` """ def _pipeline(func): func._pipeline_name = name func._pipeline_description = description if _pipeline_decorator_handler: return _pipeline_decorator_handler(func) or func else: return func return _pipeline
class PipelineConf(): """PipelineConf contains pipeline level settings """ def __init__(self): self.image_pull_secrets = [] def set_image_pull_secrets(self, image_pull_secrets): """ configure the pipeline level imagepullsecret Args: image_pull_secrets: a list of Kubernetes V1LocalObjectReference For detailed description, check Kubernetes V1LocalObjectReference definition """ self.image_pull_secrets = image_pull_secrets
[docs]def get_pipeline_conf(): """Configure the pipeline level setting to the current pipeline Note: call the function inside the user defined pipeline function. """ return Pipeline.get_default_pipeline().conf
#TODO: Pipeline is in fact an opsgroup, refactor the code. class Pipeline(): """A pipeline contains a list of operators. This class is not supposed to be used by pipeline authors since pipeline authors can use pipeline functions (decorated with @pipeline) to reference their pipelines. This class is useful for implementing a compiler. For example, the compiler can use the following to get the pipeline object and its ops: ```python with Pipeline() as p: pipeline_func(*args_list) traverse(p.ops) ``` """ # _default_pipeline is set when it (usually a compiler) runs "with Pipeline()" _default_pipeline = None @staticmethod def get_default_pipeline(): """Get default pipeline. """ return Pipeline._default_pipeline @staticmethod def add_pipeline(name, description, func): """Add a pipeline function with the specified name and description.""" # Applying the @pipeline decorator to the pipeline function func = pipeline(name=name, description=description)(func) def __init__(self, name: str): """Create a new instance of Pipeline. Args: name: the name of the pipeline. Once deployed, the name will show up in Pipeline System UI. """ = name self.ops = {} self.cops = {} self.rops = {} # Add the root group. self.groups = [_ops_group.OpsGroup('pipeline', name=name)] self.group_id = 0 self.conf = PipelineConf() self._metadata = None def __enter__(self): if Pipeline._default_pipeline: raise Exception('Nested pipelines are not allowed.') Pipeline._default_pipeline = self def register_op_and_generate_id(op): return self.add_op(op, op.is_exit_handler) self._old__register_op_handler = _container_op._register_op_handler _container_op._register_op_handler = register_op_and_generate_id return self def __exit__(self, *args): Pipeline._default_pipeline = None _container_op._register_op_handler = self._old__register_op_handler def add_op(self, op: _container_op.BaseOp, define_only: bool): """Add a new operator. Args: op: An operator of ContainerOp, ResourceOp or their inherited types. Returns op_name: a unique op name. """ #If there is an existing op with this name then generate a new name. op_name = _make_name_unique_by_adding_index(op.human_name, list(self.ops.keys()), ' ') self.ops[op_name] = op if isinstance(op, _container_op.ContainerOp): self.cops[op_name] = op elif isinstance(op, _resource_op.ResourceOp): self.rops[op_name] = op if not define_only: self.groups[-1].ops.append(op) return op_name def push_ops_group(self, group: _ops_group.OpsGroup): """Push an OpsGroup into the stack. Args: group: An OpsGroup. Typically it is one of ExitHandler, Branch, and Loop. """ self.groups[-1].groups.append(group) self.groups.append(group) def pop_ops_group(self): """Remove the current OpsGroup from the stack.""" del self.groups[-1] def get_next_group_id(self): """Get next id for a new group. """ self.group_id += 1 return self.group_id def _set_metadata(self, metadata): '''_set_metadata passes the containerop the metadata information Args: metadata (ComponentMeta): component metadata ''' if not isinstance(metadata, PipelineMeta): raise ValueError('_set_medata is expecting PipelineMeta.') self._metadata = metadata